Sunday, July 11, 2010

State Of The World Of Biohazard

Beside my Jazz kick in the early 90's I was a fan of good old fashion Slayer, Biohazard and Thrash Metal. Don't ask me why. I went to see Biohazard in the fall of 1992 and I was not only scared out of my whits, but I enjoyed every minute of that tension. The mix of Rap/Thrash and Hardcore and an edginess combined with some political stance made Biohazard a force not to be messed with. It's fiery attitude was great and fresh. The anger was not made up or for show is from the heart that all these problems that happen day to day life and when you live in New York City you probably see it every day and wish you could do something about it. Biohazard kicked ass and took no names.

The lyrics to "What Makes Us Tick" say it all. I mean no one was more honest and in your face then Biohazard;

"What makes us tick
Are we mentally sick
Feeling inside that drive us like pride
Or emotional scars from our friends that have died
And make us build walls so incredible high
They exceed the ceiling from the terrified feelings
Which we often repress and end up depressed
Some vent it as rage, it's the fashion these days
In a twisted society, we drown in anxiety
Has push come to shove, have we killed the dove
Are we caught in a fit, what makes us tick
Has man gone insane, are we feeling the strain
We must dig and must pick at what makes us tick
Has push come to shove, have we killed the dove
Are we caught in the thick as to what makes us tick
Can you feel the pain that I feel
So let me tell you about what is real
The pain inside, it kills me, I cry
What is it that makes us tick
Can you hear the cries that I cry
Leave me alone, I'm ready to die
For me I lie to myself
Just what is it that makes us tick"

Pretty powerful words for a band. I mean back then they were very socially conscience. Even the music had some kind of powerful message. They guitar parts where mean and angular and the bass just loudly thumped in time. They most of the time screamed but when they spoke in unison they got their point to you rather quickly. Being a fan of this I used to crank this full blast. I thought it was well done. The greatness about State of the World Address it was one big story. The story lasted about 58 minutes. It was a great story and I really believed that I too could change the world. If I saw some person get pushed around I felt I could kick his ass and take no names.

I first heard them back in 1992 on some Hard Rock station in New York City. I thought they were very intense and very very loud. It was also fresh. It was not like the Motley Crue or the AC/DC of the time. Most of these metal bands were popular because these bands were on heavy rotation on MTV. I liked them, but not as much I liked hearing Biohazard. Another band that distracted a lot of good metal bands was Guns N' Roses. They were good and just about everybody fell in love with them. I was not a huge fan of them. Biohazard opened the door for the next generation of harder Metal out there.

State of World Address is great for many reasons. The loud, brash sound is a huge attraction for me. From the first song to the last it's cranked up to ten. What made them ahead of their time was the use of the rap type lyrics. It showed when they did the duet with Onyx on the soundtrack to Judgement Night. From the title song all the way to "Love Denied" there is not a week song in the bunch. Even the first song has thrash Punk sound with its quick beat and awesome solo. Each song has an issue with what is going on the world. Yea, they are pissed, but they are not afraid to admit to it either. Biohazard in their prime were a force that all metal bands should have been. It would have made it more interesting. Like Allmusic pointed out the music portrays a war zone, which is okay because sometimes it's like that. Enjoy something that is so much better then those so called bands who mix all that stuff together. You know who you are. Those bands suck, Biohazard just kicked your ass and threw you away! Enjoy!

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